Women – Another Year (2018 Review)

Here we go again lads! It’s that time of year when your humble narrator secludes himself, swallows nootropic drugs and tries his very best to catch up on all the writing projects he’s pondered over the last year. I had a few in mind but it don’t look like they’re getting published anytime soon. I dunno what it is but over the last couple of years my creativity has been dwindling a bit. Aint got the flow I once had, aint finding it as fun as I used to and I often find myself forcing myself to these because my…

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Poland to Portugal

I did a good job at not letting the panic set in, although when I think back it was probably the fatigue of next to no sleep and the comedown and hangover of the night before that had depleted my desires to give a fuck. I sent out a few texts to people back at the house about my lost bank card. All I really needed was the security digits on the back and I’d be set to top up my now empty Travelex card, failing that I also had Al on the line, who gave me his card details…

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