Boom 2016!

I decided to sit in front of the ride taking us to BOOM land. Whatever it was that had cause me to puke all over the same spot of the airport twice already this morning didn’t seem like it was settling anytime soon. All I could hope now was that I could make it to the festival without further disruption. The last heave contained the grapes I had for breakfast. There was nothing else I could have possibly left to bring up, aside from the water I was drinking in attempt to reconcile for the amount I was heavily sweating.…

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Poland to Portugal

I did a good job at not letting the panic set in, although when I think back it was probably the fatigue of next to no sleep and the comedown and hangover of the night before that had depleted my desires to give a fuck. I sent out a few texts to people back at the house about my lost bank card. All I really needed was the security digits on the back and I’d be set to top up my now empty Travelex card, failing that I also had Al on the line, who gave me his card details…

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